Chemical Dependency Treatments
At The Estates at Chateau, we provide special programs to individuals who need chemical dependency treatment.
The Estates at Chateau provides a unique environment for those needing the services of a Skilled Nursing Facility as well as the support of a Chemical Dependency Treatment program. Traditionally residents looking for Skilled Nursing service while struggling with chemical addictions were asked to get care at a Skilled Nursing Facility and then discharge to either an inpatient or outpatient treatment center for continued support. The gap in chemical dependency support often leads to unsafe early discharges from the Skilled Nursing Facility and a continued cycle of use and rehab need. Licensed under MN Rule245G, The Estates at Chateau hopes to break this cycle for many individuals.
The Treatment Team is Proud to Offer:
- An individualized plan under the guidance of a Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor
- Group therapy programming
- Weekly individual sessions
- Treatment coordination
- Relapse prevention education
- Co-occurring Mental Health and Chemical Dependency education for all staff under the guidance of a LICSW
- Mental Health Support through Associated Clinics of Psychology
If you would like to learn more about the nursing services we provide at our facilities, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for more information. Our highly trained staff are more than happy to have a conversation with you about your loved one’s needs here.