Cancelled Alzheimer's Walk Didn't Stop Fundraising at Waterview Pines
Due to COVID-19, the Range Area Walk to End Alzheimer’s did not take place this year. The Waterview Pines still wanted to take part in raising money for the fight against Alzheimer’s.
The Waterview Pines started a fundraising competition called Penny Wars. Staff was split up into 3 teams, each with a jar for employees to deposit donations into. Pennies and bills added to the team total points, while nickels, dimes, and quarters subtracted from team total points. Staff were encouraged to bring pennies and bills in for their team and add silver coins to the opposing team jars to subtract from their points. In the end, the Meadows team was victorious! The Meadows team consisted of nursing staff from the Meadows Unit, Therapeutic Recreation, Reception, the Director of Nursing, and the Administrator. The winners were treated to lunch. In total, Waterview Pines was able to raise close to $1,700 for this year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s!
Along with fundraising, the Pines held their own Virtual Alzheimer’s Walk with residents and staff members on September 17th. It was beautiful day to get outside and Walk to End Alzheimer’s!